





1、看包装 原厂汽车零部件包装一般比较规范,统一标准规格,印字字迹清晰正规,而假冒产品包装印刷比较粗劣,往往能很容易地从包装上找出破绽;
1, look at the packaging manufacturer of automotive components packaging generally relatively standardized, unified specifications, clear and regular printing, packaging and printing fake products are relatively poor, often can easily find flaws from the packaging;
2、看外表 原厂汽车零部件外表印字或铸字及标记清晰正规,而假冒产品外观粗糙;
2, look at the original appearance of printing and auto parts or typecasting marking a clear, formal, and rough appearance of counterfeit products;
3、看规格 选购汽车汽车零部件时,要查明主要技术参数,特殊技术要符合使用要求。有的假冒伪劣产品外观与真货相差无几,但装上去了就是不太合适,要么大点或小点,使用起来总是不太满意,并留下事故隐患;
3. When looking at the auto parts and components of a car, we should find out the main technical parameters, and the special technology should meet the requirements of the use. With the appearance of some genuine fake and shoddy products but not much difference between, back is not appropriate, either big or small, it is not always satisfactory, and leave the hidden danger of accident;
4、看质地 原厂汽车零部件的材料是按设计要求采用合格材料,假冒产品多是采用廉价低劣材料代用;
4. The material of the raw material of the original plant of the factory is to adopt the qualified material according to the design requirements. Most of the counterfeit products are replaced by cheap and inferior materials.
5、看工艺 低劣产品外观有时虽然不错,但由于制作工艺差,容易出现裂纹、砂孔、夹渣、毛刺或碰伤;
5. The appearance of inferior products is sometimes good, but because of the poor production process, it is easy to crack, sand hole, slag, burr, or bruise.
6、看“接合” 如果发生离合器片铆钉松脱、刹车皮管脱胶、电器零件接头脱焊、纸质滤芯接缝处脱开等现象,则不能使用;
6, see "bonding" if the clutch rivets loose, brake tube, electric parts, welding joint degumming paper filter joint release etc. phenomenon, it can not be used;
7、看缺漏 正规的总成部件必须齐全完好,才能保证顺利装车和正常运行。一些总成件上的个别小零件漏装,一般是“水货”,这些给装车造成困难。往往因个别小汽车零部件短缺,造成整个总成部件报废;
7, look at the gaps in the formal assembly part must be fully intact, to ensure smooth loading and running. Some small parts of the assembly are filled with small parts, usually "water and goods", which make it difficult to load the car. As a result of the shortage of individual car parts, the whole assembly parts are discarded.
8、看防护层 为了便于保管,防止零件磕碰,零件出厂之前都有防护层。例如衬套、大小轴瓦、活塞、气门等一般都用石蜡保护,以免其表面损坏,这些重要的汽车零部件,表面若无防护层,多为“水货”。
8, the protective layer in order to facilitate the storage, to prevent parts bump, parts factory before have a protective layer. For example, bushing, size bearing, piston, valve and so on are usually protected by paraffin, so as to avoid their surface damage. If there are no protective layers on these important auto parts, most of them are "parallel products".
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