





See if the surface of the auto parts is in good condition. Most parts are coated with protective layers when they are out of the factory. For example, the piston pin and axle bush are protected by paraffin wax. The surface of piston ring and cylinder liner is coated with rust proof oil and wrapped with wrapping paper. After the antirust oil such as valve and piston is packed, it is packed in plastic bags. If the sealing sleeve is damaged, the wrapping paper is lost, the antirust oil or the paraffin wax is lost, it should be replaced.
See whether the adhesive parts are loose. By two or more than two parts combined into auto parts, among them by pressing, bonding or welding, does not allow loosening, such as pump plunger and the adjusting arm, by pressing the combination; clutch driven wheel and a steel sheet is riveted with the friction plate and the steel plate is riveting or adhesive; the paper filter frame and filter is glued together; electrical equipment is formed by welding wire. When it is found to be loose, change should be given.
See if the rotating parts of the car are flexible. When you select the rotary assembly, you should feel the flexibility of the pump shaft when you rotate the pump shaft with your hands. When you choose the rolling bearings, you need to support the inner ring of the bearing with one hand and rotate the outer ring with the other hand, and the outer ring can rotate quickly and then stop gradually. If the rotating part does not rotate, it indicates the internal rust or deformation, do not purchase.
See whether there is a missing piece in the assembly. The regular assembly must be complete in order to ensure the smooth assembly and normal operation. If a few small parts on the assembly parts are leaked, the assembly will not work or even be scrapped.
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