





The die forging is mainly formed by forming the blank of the forging die, and the shape of the forgings is more complex. However, in order to reduce the cost and simplify the die forging process, we should design the die parts according to the characteristics and process requirements of die forging, so as to make the part structure conform to the following principles, so as to facilitate the forging production and reduce the cost.
(1) the die forging part must have a reasonable parting surface to ensure that the die forging is easily removed from the forging die, and is also good for metal filling, reducing the remaining blocks and dressing, and forging dies are easy to make.
(2) the slope of die forging should be designed for the non machining surface perpendicular to the mold surface to facilitate the removal of forgings from the die chamber. The transition of the non - machined surface should be made of a round angle to help the metal flow and fill in the mold and prevent the stress concentration.
(3) the overdensity of the reinforcement should be avoided or the ratio of height to width should be too large to facilitate the filling of the metal mold.
(4)为了减小变形抗力,使金属容易充满模膛和减少工序,零件外形力求简单、平直和对称,尽量避免零件截面间差别过大, 腹板过薄,或具有薄壁、高筋、凸起等结构。零件的最小截面与最大截面之比如小于O.5就不宜采用模锻方法制造。此外,该零件的凸缘薄而高,中间凹下很深也难于用模锻方法锻制。图5—50b所示零件扁而薄,模锻时薄的部分金属容易冷却,不易充满模膛。
(4) in order to reduce the deformation resistance and make the metal easy to fill the mold cavity and reduce the working procedure, the shape of the parts is simple, straight and symmetrical, so as to avoid the difference between the cross sections of the parts too large, the web is too thin, or has the structure of thin wall, high bar and bulge. The minimum section and the maximum section of the part are less than O.5, which should not be made by forging. In addition, the flange of the part is thin and high, and it is hard to forge by die forging in the middle of the concave. The parts of Figure 5 - 50B are flat and thin, and the thin parts of the metal are easy to cool and are not easy to fill.
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