





Forging in forging factory production, the reasonable size of ingot furnace before, should check that the smelting furnace, steel billet, weight, size, and check the quality of its surface to remove surface defects. Record the position of the furnace and make a good record of the actual operation of the forgings.
Into the ingot furnace for forging in the position should be based on the type, size, furnace bottom furnace and heating ingot size determine the weight from the furnace wall, back wall and burner xianwei.89ix.cn banjia.89ix.cn bdbaojie.89ix.cn shuizha.89ix.cn tuliao.89ix.cn bolilinpian.89ix.cn
distance. It is strictly forbidden to direct the flame to be heated to the surface of the metal of the forged piece. The forgings should be heated before the forging is heated. Horn height should not be lower than the height of the burner stove. The forging steel billet with diameter or length less than 150mm can not be used for heating.
The surface temperature of the ingot used in the forgings is known as the cold ingot at the surface temperature below 400 degrees C, and the semi hot steel ingot at 400-550 C, which is called hot steel ingot above 500. When the cold and hot ingot (Billet) is installed in one furnace, the distance between the material must be greater than the diameter or the length of a blank. Should avoid hot and cold mixed ingot furnace.
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