





加热设备主要单室炉、推杆炉和台式退火炉, 所有加热炉均采用天然气做燃料,钢锭的加热温度一般在 1150℃~ 1240℃,冷钢锭的加热时间 1~5 小时左右,热钢锭的加热时间则是 冷钢锭加热时间的一半,加热后的钢锭进入锻造工序。 锻造:被加热至 1150~1240℃左右钢锭从加热炉中取出,然后 由操作机放入空气锤或电液锤, 根据钢锭的大小和锻造比要求进行相 应的墩粗,拔长等工艺,实时监测锻件尺寸,并通过红外测温仪控制 锻造温度。 检验:对锻件毛坯进行初步检验,主要是外观和尺寸的检验。外 观方面主要检验是否存在裂纹等缺陷, 尺寸方面必须保证毛坯余量在 图纸要求范围内,并做好记录。 热处理:将锻件加热到预定温度,保温一定时间,然后以预定的 速度冷却,以改善锻件内部组织和性能的一种综合工艺。其目的是消 除内应力,防止在机械加工时变形,调整硬度使锻件利于切削加工。 经过热处理后的钢锭,根据材质的要求对钢锭进行空冷或水冷、淬火 处理。
The heating equipment is mainly single room furnace, push rod furnace and table annealing furnace. All the reheating furnaces use natural gas as fuel. The heating temperature of the ingot is usually 1150 to 1240, the heating time of the cold steel ingot is about 1~5 hours. The heating time of the hot steel ingot is half of the cold steel ingot heating time, and the steel ingot after the heating is forged. Process. Forging: the steel ingot was heated to about 1150~1240 degrees and removed from the www.bddianlu.com.cn www.jiazanmiaomu.com www.dongwutongdiao.cn www.tongshizii.cn www.renwutongdiao.cn www.tongfoxiangg.cnfurnace, then the air hammer or electrohydraulic hammer was put into the machine by the operating machine. In accordance with the size of the ingot and the forging ratio, the corresponding piers and pulling lengths were carried out. The size of the forgings was monitored in real time, and the forging temperature was controlled by the infrared thermometer. Inspection: preliminary inspection of forgings blank is mainly based on the inspection of appearance and size. In appearance, the main inspection is whether there are cracks and other defects. Dimension must ensure that the blank margin is within the requirements of the drawings, and make good records. Heat treatment: a comprehensive process to improve the internal structure and performance of the forgings by heating the forgings to a predetermined temperature, holding a certain time, and then cooling at a predetermined speed. The purpose is to eliminate internal stress, prevent deformation during mechanical processing, and adjust hardness so that forging is advantageous to machining. After heat treatment, the ingot is air-cooled or water cooled and quenched according to the requirements of the material.
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