





精密锻件锻造时铸型对流动性的影响主要表现在铸型的阻力和导热能力等方面。铸型中凡能增加金流动阻力和提高冷却速度的因素均使流动性降低。如内浇道横截面小、型腔表面粗糙、 透气性差均会增加金属液的流动阻力,降低流速,从而降低金属液的流动性。铸型的导披强.会属液的散热越快,流动性就越差。
The influence of the convective activity of the mold in the forging of the precision forging is mainly manifested in the resistance and the thermal conductivity of the mold. In the mold, all factors that increase the flow resistance of gold and increase the cooling rate all reduce the fluidity. For example, the small cross section of the runner, the rough surface and the poor permeability will increase the flow resistance of the molten metal and reduce the flow rate, thereby reducing the fluidity of the molten metal. The quicker the heat of the liquid will be, the worse the fluidity will be.
合金在凝固和冷却过程中,体积和尺寸减小的特性称为收缩性。浇注后韵熔融金至室温要经过液态收缩、凝固收缩和固态收缩三个互相铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件联系的收缩阶段。
In the process of solidification and cooling, the reduction in volume and size is called shrinkage. After pouring the rhyme molten gold to room temperature, three interrelated contracting stages are required by liquid shrinkage, solidification shrinkage and solid contraction.
Liquid shrinkage refers to the volume shrinkage of metal when forging liquid at precise temperature due to the decrease of temperature. The reduction of volume shift to temperature is proportional to the difference of starting solidification temperature, which is one of the main reasons for shrinkage cavity and porosity.
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不锈钢铸件 钢纤维 精密铸造