





The inspection items are determined according to the importance and material properties of the forgings. The mechanical properties of the specimens must be cut from the forgings taken from the same smelting furnace and the same heat treatment furnace. Sample cutting, sample size and testing methods are carried out in accordance with national standards.
(1) hardness test is the easiest way to judge the mechanical properties of forgings in production. The purpose of the hardness test is to ensure the normal cutting performance of the forging parts, to judge the decarbonization of the forgings, and to understand the inhomogeneous degree of the internal structure of the forgings. Hardness test is usually carried out after forging heat treatment. Brinell hardness or Rockwell hardness tester can be used.
(2)拉伸试验测定在单向静拉力下的屈服极型托辊 吸水树脂 天津水处理设备 邯郸断桥铝门窗 唐山防水 检查井模具 沟盖板模具限仃。、强度极限crb、延伸率艿及截面收缩率等。
(2) tensile test is used to determine yield limit under uniaxial tension. The ultimate strength is CRB, elongation and shrinkage.
(3) impact test is used to check the toughness of materials or forgings. Shock tests are usually required for working parts, such as shock loads and vibration loads, or parts operating at high temperatures and high speeds, such as turbine discs and turbine blades.
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